Aikikai Ireland Policies and Procedures Document
Here is the current version of the AI policies and procedures document, The document which contains information on Child Protection, Code of Conduct for Senseis, students and students parents in addition to the relevant AI forms. Each AI member should print the document out read itand keep it as a point of reference. Well done to all that helped finailse this document.
Aikikai Ireland Policies and Procedures v1.pdf (337kb)
Aikikai Ireland as an organisation is all about child safety and protection, our Child Safeguarding Statement and Risk Assessment documents are being developed in line with requirements under the
Children First Act 2015, (the Children First: National Guidance, and Tusla’s Child Safeguarding:
A Guide for Policy, Procedure and Practice.). The documents will be published here for download when fully signed off
by the Aikikai Ireland Committee as per our AGM dated Sunday 13th of May 2018 (location Athboy, Co.Meath).
Exam Programs
Note below are the Exam Programs listing the required techniques and also Program Details giving a detailed explanation of what is required at each grade. Thanks to Eric Graf for giving permission to have the explanatory notes to the examinations reproduced here.
Important information for examinees of 1st Kyu and above:
"For 1st Kyu and above Aikikai Ireland Grading Candidates prior to the course being tested at,
must have already attended within the last year at least two of the courses with our Technical Adviser of which one must be the Summer School AND at least one Aikikai Ireland Technical Committee course.
Full course attendance is required."
- Technical Committee June 2019
Adults Programs
Kids Programs
Grading Application Form: Aikikai Ireland Grading Application Form.pdf
Note have this completed signed by you and your Sensei when you register on the day of your test.