Ikeda Dojo Wicklow has the pleasure of hosting an Aikido seminar with Aikikai Ireland Technical Adviser Michele Quaranta Shihan 7th Dan on Saturday 29th of Sunday 30th of March 2025. The details are as follows...
Moneystown Community Centre, Roundwood, Wicklow
Class Times:
11:00 - 13:00 Class 1
16:00 - 18:00 Class 2
11:00 - 13:00 Class 3
Cost: €50.00 (€40 student/unwaged)
Contact: Joe Phone +353 (0) 86101 96 68 Email: info@aikidoikedadojo.ie
Poster: Michele Quaranta Shihan March 2025 Wicklow.pdf (Size 165 kB)
The Kagamibiraki ceremony 2025 just took place at the Aikikai Hombu Dojo, AIkido World Headquarters, Tokyo.
A huge congratulations to Aikikai Ireland's Eamon Coyne Sensei and Trevor Pigott Sensei both have been promoted to 6th Dan, well done from all at Aikikai Ireland.
The full list of promotions are available here: http://aikikai.or.jp/pdf/suisen/2025.pdf
Congratulations to all of the other people around the world who were promoted!!
Thanks to all who attended the great days training at the Aikikai Ireland seminar in Sligo Aikido Dojo 30th of November 2024 with classes given by
Joe Mchugh Sensei 6th Dan
Trevor Pigott Sensei 5th Dan
Eamon Coyne Sensei 5th Dan
Jean Pasley Sensei 5th Dan
During the course there was also a grading sessions with the following Aikidoka successfully passing and achieving the following grades...
6th Kyu: 六級 strong>
Monika Athboy Aikido Dojo
Grzegorz Athboy Aikido Dojo
5th Kyu: 五級 strong>
Emer Sligo Aikido Dojo
Keetrin Sligo Aikido Dojo
4th Kyu: 四級
James Sligo Aikido Dojo
2nd Kyu: 二級
Ciaran Ikeda Dojo Wicklow
On Saturday 30th of November 2024 Sligo Aikido Dojo will host a One Day seminar which will be given by Aikikai Ireland Techncial Committee members Joe McHugh 5th Dan, Eamon Coyne 5th Dan, Trevor Pigott 5th Dan and Jean Pasley 5th Dan.
At the course eligible students will also have the oppurtunity to test for kyu grades. The course details are as follows...
MCR Community Hall, Mail Coach Road, Sligo
Class Times:
13:00 - 14:30 Class 1
14:30 - 15:00 Break
15:00 - 16:30 Grading
16:30 - 18:00 Class 2
Cost: €25.00
Contact: Eamon phone: +353 (0) 87 336.400 email: eamoncoyne@gmail.com
Poster: Aikikai Ireland Tech Committee November 2024.pdf (Size 655 kB)
View Sligo Aikido Club in a larger map
[Click here for pics of the course....]
Bll Plank Sensei was touring Ireland on a motorbike trip with Kelly and whilst in Sligo reached out to train at Sligo Aikido Dojo.The Sligo dojo was closed for a couple of weeks summer break, but Eamon Coyne Sensei offered to met up with Bill Sensei and they both trained one to one on Strandhill beach in Sligo.
Bill is 6th Dan and head instructor at Capital Aikikai (https://www.capitalaikikai.org/) in Washington DC. It turned out that both Bill and Eamon have a lot of common Aikido friends...
Bill and Kelly were both impressed by the beauty of Sligo...
Bill was then heading onwards to the Netherlands to attend a course being taught there by Clyde Takeguchi Shihan 8th Dan.
Another great AIkido connection made, thanks for the visit Bill and Kelly we will surely meet up again both on and off the mats.
Huge congratulations to the following Aikikai Ireland students on thier recent promotions
6th Kyu: 六級:
Keetrin Sligo Aikido Dojo obtained 21/03/2024
Jeremy Athboy Aikido Dojo obtained 20/07/2024
5th Kyu: 五級:
Veronika Hondlova Sligo Aikido Dojo obtained 09/05/2024
Veronika also trains with our Czech Aikido friends in her home dojo in Česká Třebová :-)
Athboy Aikido Dojo will have the pleasure of hosting Michele Quaranta Shihan on Saturday 5th and Sunday 6th of October 2024.
The classes will run as follows....
Saturday 5th from 11:00 to 13:00 and from 16:00 to 18:00.
Sunday 6th from 11:00 to 13:00
The cost of the course if 50 euro or 40 euro for students /unwaged.
The course promises to be a good one, with plenty of good training and socialising off the mats.
[Click here for more details...]
Great days training in Athboy Aikido Club at the Aikikai Ireland Technical Committee seminar.
Thanks to Trevor and the Athboy crew for hosting us. Well done to Jeremy from Athoy on passing his 6th Kyu exam, seen here in action with Bert from the dojo
Sligo Aikido Dojo will had the pleasure of hosting Michele Quaranta Shihan on Saturday 8th and Sunday 9th of June 2024.
A fantastic weekend of Aikido with visitors from Cavan, Dublin, Dundalk, Limerick, Wicklow, Meath, Cambridge and Switzerland....
Thank you so much Michele Sensei and all that attended!
On the 23rd and 24 of Wicklow aikidodoka from around Ireland, England, Switzerland and Czech Republic came to train at the Aikikai Ireland seminar with our Technical Adviser Michele Sensei.
The weekend was a total success, with a brilliant atmosphere on and off the tatami. Thanks to Ikeda Dojo Wicklow, Joe, Lizzy and the crew for hosting this course so graciously. Thanks also to Halka, Michelle, Francis, Agnes for coming from abroad and last but not least to all the Irish aikidodoka for coming to learn and train with Michele Sensei.
At the course there was also presentations of Aikikai certificates to newly promoted Aikikai Ireland members :-)
Pictured below with Michele Sensei and their certificates are
Joe McHugh Rokudan 六段
Adrian Shanley Sandan 三段
Francis Rowland Nidan 二段
Niall Kelly Shodan 初段
Bert Gore Shodan 初段
Dave Gaynor Shodan 初段
Congratulations from all at Aikikai Ireland!!!
See some more pictures [Click here...]
On the 20th and 21st of January at the Winter Schoold of Aikido Czech Republic a massive celebration of Michele Quaranta Shihan's 70th birthday also occurred.
180 Aikidoka travelled from far and wide to practice and mark this wonderful occassion of Michele Sensei a dear friend, mentor and Aikido teacher to many.
There was plenty of great training on the tatami and also friends old and new catching up off the mats and enjoying the excellent party hosted by our Czech friends.
A sincere thanks from the Aikikai Ireland group whom were extremely grateful for the very warm welcome received on and off the mats.
Happy birthday Sensei, Kanpai!!!!
The Kagamibiraki ceremony 2024 took place on the 14th of January at the Aikikai Hombu Dojo, AIkido World Headquarters, Tokyo.
A huge congratulations to Aikikai Ireland's Joe Mchugh Sensei who has been promoted to 6th Dan, well done from all at Aikikai Ireland Joe.
The full list of of promotions are available here: https://aikikai.or.jp/pdf/suisen/2024.pdf
Congratulations to all of the other people around the world who were promoted!!!
A mention also to our aikido frends in Miroslav Smid and Roger Hochstrasser whom have also been promoted to 6th Dan.
Thanks to all who attended the great days training at the Aikikai Ireland seminar in Sligo Aikido Dojo with classes given by
Trevor Pigott Sensei 5th Dan
Eamon Coyne Sensei 5th Dan
Joe Mchugh Sensei 5th Dan
Jean Pasley Sensei 5th Dan
During the course there was also a grading sessions with the following Aikidoka successfully passing and achieving the following grades...
6th Kyu: 六級 Sligo Aikido Dojo
2nd Kyu: 二級 Sligo Aikido Dojo
Well done and congratulations to all, you done yourselves and your Dojo proud, we celebrated that night :-)
On Saturday 7th and Sunday 8th of October 2023 Ikeda Dojo Wicklow, with classes given by
Trevor Pigott Sensei 5th Dan 伍 段
Joe Mchugh Sensei 5th Dan 伍 段
Jean Pasley Sensei 5th Dan 伍 段
Eamon Coyne Sense 5th Dan 伍 段
At the seminar we also had exams.
Huge congratulations to the successful candidates
Adrian Shanley Sandan 三段
Francis Rowland Nidan 二段
Niall Kelly Shodan 初段
Bert Gore Shodan 初段
Ciaran Hughes 3rd Kyu 三級
Billy Brophy 4th Kyu 一四級
Ciaran Magee 4th Kyu 一四級
At the course Jim Mitchell was also presented his Shodan 初段 Diploma from Aikido World Headquarters by the Aikikai Ireland Technical Committee.
Well done everyone
Grading success and great course with new friends
hosted in Athboy Aikido Dojo
Thanks to all who attended the great days training today at the Aikikai Ireland seminar in Athboy on the 22nd of April 2023 with classes given by:
Trevor Pigott Sensei 5th Dan
Eamon Coyne Sensei 5th Dan
Joe Mchugh Sensei 5th Dan
At the end of course there was also a grading sessions with the following Aikidoka successfully passing and achieving the following grades...
Jim Mitchell Shodan: 初段 Sligo Aikido Dojo
Niall Colleary 1st Kyu: 級 Sligo Aikido Dojo
Darragh Cattigan 3rd Kyu: 三級 Sligo Aikido Dojo
Well done and congratulations to all.
Congratulations to Declan on a successful grading held in Athboy Aikido Dojo.
Declan Murray4th Kyu: 一四級 Athboy Aikido Dojo
Congratulations to Bert on a successful grading held in Athboy Aikido Dojo.
Bert Gore1st Kyu: 一級 Athboy Aikido Dojo
On the 29th of February and 1st of March Ikeda Dojo Wicklow hosted Aikikai Ireland Technical Adviser Michele Quaranta Shihan 7th Dan. By all accounts the course was another success with every having a great time both on and off the mats. The course was very well attended by our friends from abroad with Andi, Charlotte, Michelle (Switzerland), Adriana, Francis, Agnes(England) and Valarie (USA), sincere thanks for taking the time to travel and train with us.
At the course we also had Robert Timmons from Ikeda Dojo Wicklow successfully passed his Shodan examination.
Robert started Aikido back at the beginning of the Ikeda Dojo Wicklows establishment and has trained continuously under the tutelage of Joe Sensei, congrats to Robert....well done!!!
Also at the course Niall Jones was presented with his Nidan Diploma by Michele Shihan, lovely moment for Niall who started Aikido back in 1996 prior to that he studied Kung Fu, well done Niall :-)
See you next time freinds :-)
Wishing everyone in Aikikai Ireland, all our Aikido friends and all of the Aikikai Ireland website visitors a Happy Christmas and Peaceful and Prosperous New Year.
The Aikikai Ireland calendar for 2020 is looking good with plenty of Aikido action. There is plenty of domestic courses already lined up and as always the chance to go abroad and train with our friends overseas.
There has been a huge effort put in both on and off the mats to develop our organisation so a huge thanks to all who put the shoulder to the wheel, keep up the great work folks, Look foward to seeing you all in the New Year folks and thanks to all involved who made 2019 such a memorable 10th anniversary one for all at Aikikai Ireland!!!
What a great days training in Sligo Aikido Dojo thanks to all that attended on the day. Congratulations to the following successful grading candidates.
Rodhan Jones 6th Kyu: 六級 Sligo Aikido Dojo
Declan Murray 5th Kyu: 五級 Athboy Aikido Dojo
Darragh Cattigan 4th Kyu: 四級 Sligo Aikido Dojo
Ciaran Hughes 4th Kyu: 四級 Ikeda Dojo Wicklow
Shane McHugh 2nd Kyu: 二級 Athboy Aikido Dojo
Niall Jones Nidan 二段 Sligo Aikido Dojo
New friends made on and off the mats with Nico Bucataru and Grzegorz Ciszek coming to train with us .
Also sincere thanks to Joe Mchugh and Trevor Pigott for the great sessions they gave.
Well done all.
Domo arigato.
Pictured above is the group at the Aikikai Ireland seminar with Michele Quaranta 7th Dan Shihan hosted by Sligo Aikido Dojo 12th and 13th of October.
People traveled from not just dojos around Ireland but also from Switzerland, Czech Republic, USA, England and from dojos around Ireland. As always a brilliant time was had on and off the mats. Thanks to all who attended and Michele Sensei for a great course.
Till the next time friends :-)
The Vermont, USA - Sligo, Ireland Aikido friendship seminar.
What a trip!!!.
An Aikido Friendship Exchange seminar between Todd Trzaskos Sensei (5th Dan)Shobu Aikido Vermont, USA and Eamon Coyne Sensei (5th Dan) Sligo Aikido Dojo, Ireland took place on the 29th and 30th of June 2019.
Pictured above are Todd Sensei and Eamon Sensei after being presented with lovely bottles of 13 year old Irish Whiskey by the gang that attended the course
Where do I start, I'll start by saying a huge thank you to Valarie McGettigan for making the connection between Todd Trzaskos Sensei and myself happen and having the foresight to bring this all together as it most certainly did, for being so thoughtful and kind while we were there.
Heartfelt thanks to Todd Sensei for giving me such a warm welcome in his dojo (https://shobuaikidovermont.com/) welcoming me and giving me the space to teach and train (Todd gave great classes) with him and his students in his lovely Shobu Aikido dojo in Woodstock, it was an honour and a privilege enjoyed every minute on and off the mats with Todd, Valarie, Andrea, Gordon, Amelia, Cristen, Reuben, Bob, Laura and all of the Shobu Aikido gang, Vermont is a beautiful place.
It was great to go for a dip in the river behind the dojo after the great training. A special thank you to Amelia for sharing that special rare Pappy Van Winkle Bourbon with us after the seminar it went down a treat.
New friendships made both on and off the mats.
On his trip Eamon Sensei also visited Shobu Aikido Boston and trained with William Gleason Shihan.
Willam Sensei is the founder of Shobu Aikido (http://shobu.org/), studied Aikido from 1970 to 1980 at the main world headquarters under Seigo Yamaguchi Sensei.
Eamon was very warmly welcomed at the dojo a sincere thanks to William Sensei and the Boston Shobu Aikido gang and also for great training in their dojo too.
Pictured at the end of class is Eamon with William Gleason Shihan.
See you soon on the mats, Cheers!!!!
P.s more pics to follow soon courtesy of Valarie/Eamon.
On the 2nd of June 2009 at a meeting in Longford Aikikai Ireland was formally established. Founding members of Aikikai Ireland were Declan Bray, Eamon Coyne, Trevor Pigott, Tony McHugh. Fiona Kelty and Kevin Finn. A democratic Aikido group that wanted to spread Aikido as per the founder O'Sensei's principles.
One key point from that meeting was to ask Michele Quaranta to be our Technical Adviser the group sent a letter to Michele Sensei and the rest they say is history :-).
An Aikikai Ireland delegation (Eamon, Tony and Valli) went to meet Michele at the Slovakian Summer Camp that year in Trnava to formalise the relationship and also train of course. Since then Aikikai Ireland has had the pleasure of hosting 30 courses with not just our Technical Adviser but friend Michele Sensei. Michele Sensei has worked tirelessly with Aikikai Ireland to help with the groups progression on all levels. When coming to give the courses Michele was also accompanied by seniors whom were of great help to us from the very beginning to name a few Halka Baláčková, Joe McHugh (prior to moving home to set up dojo in Wicklow), Andi Hänggi, Charlotte Huggel, Eric Graf, Sonja Graf, Vincenzo Schiavone, Samir Redzepagic, Christophe Flocke (aka George Clooney), Greg O'Connor are just some of the people that came and trained and are part of the Aikikai Ireland tapestry, thanks to all for your presence and energy on and off the mats.
We also have had a number of Aikikai Ireland friendship seminars with our Italian friend Fiordineve Cozzi Sensei, his wife Rosella accompanied by friends from all over Italy. Not forgetting the famous trips to Lauria :-)
Aikikai Ireland courses now have visits from friends from all over Europe and the US which is a testament to the work of the group in hosting them.
We also have seen Aikikai Ireland representatives train at events in Japan, USA, Holland, England, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Italy, Switzerland to name a few.
In the 10 year period we have seen the dojos in Athboy, Cavan, Dublin, Sligo and Wicklow develop under each of the dojo instructors seeing students progress from having never done Aikido up to the level of Nidan. We also have seen senior Aikikai Ireland students promoted to Sandan, Yondan and Godan. The Technical Committee have worked hard to support the development of the Aikikai Ireland dojos and the work of the dojo instructors and also Michele Sensei with over 20 Technical Committee courses being held since 2009.
We have had a fantastic 10 years with great friends and memories made along the way, all at Aikikai Ireland should be proud of what we have done to date. Here's to many more years together!.
To mark the event we had a summer camp in Drewstown House in Athboy with Michele Sensei accompanied by friend Greg O'Connor. Classes at the seminar were given by Michele Sensei, Greg Sensei, Joe Sensei, Trevor Sensei and Eamon Sensei. We all had a great time both on and off the mats, the Athboy crew done a great job of organising the seminar, we had great training, food,music, tour of Trim castle and plenty of craic. At the seminar we had people from all over Ireland and abroad with people from US, UK, Holland and Switzerland.
A big thank you to all the Athboy crew for chipping in Trevor, Will, Pj, Barry, Adrian, Ben, Declan, Shaun, Ben, Shane, Sinead, Ruth, Liam, Ellen.
A special mention to Will, Sinead and Valli in the kitchen for the lovely meals.
Nice group pic below, thanks to Declan for the pics click link below for more.
Aikikai Ireland were well represented by Joe NcHugh, Lizzy McHugh, Trevor Pigott, Tony McHugh and Adrian Shanley at the recent Shidoshakai hosted by the Aikikai Slovakia with sensei Michele Quaranta 7. Dan Aikikai, Shihan on 18th and 19th of May 2019 in Trnava. The course had over 160 participants from over 12 different countries.
At the course there was an Embukai with each country giving a demonstration. Aikikai Ireland had Joe McHugh Sensei and Trevor Pigott Sensei each given a great demonstration, well done lads!!! See pics and video below.
Lovely pics of embu taken by Tereza Wimmerová.
Fair play to Declan Bray, 1 and half years later he delivered the pics taken at the course with Michele Quaranta Sensei back in October 2017 in Athboy. You could start your own courier business Declan lol.
The pics were taken by Mark Wiseman from Athboy. Thanks Mark for some great pics of the course.
[Click here for the course pics...]
On Saturday 27th of April Ikeda Dojo Wicklow hosted a one day Technical Committee seminar with Joe McHugh Sensei and Trevor Pigott Sensei. At the course there were also Kyu examinations, well done to the following candidates who were successful...
Niall Kelly 1st Kyu: 一級
Paul Clarke 1st Kyu: 一級
Keep up the great work lads.
"For 1st Kyu and above Aikikai Ireland Grading Candidates prior to the course being tested at, must have already attended within the last year at least two of the courses with our Technical Adviser of which one must be the Summer School AND at least one Aikikai Ireland Technical Committee course.
Full course attendance is required."
- Technical Committee June 2019
[For more on exams click here...]
What Sifu Michael O'Leary said after the great days training..."What an absolutely great day and a fantastic way to celebrate 15 years of Wing Tsun Kung Fu in Blanchardstown. We started at 12 and taught 20 minutes of Wing Tsun before Sensei Eamon Coyne brought everyone through 40 minutes of Aikido. Then Ken Byrne taught 40 minutes of Gracie Jiu-Jitsu followed by 40 minutes of Silat by Guru Brian Kennedy and we finished with another 20 minutes of Wing Tsun. Congratulations to Didzis Butka who was awarded his 12th student grade in Wing Tsun. It was such a great day and all the instructors who taught their arts also took part as students when someone else was teaching.
Thank you to all those who attended, especially those who travelled from Wicklow and Sligo. There was such a great athmosphere and I couldn't ask for a better way to celebrate 15 years teaching."
Yet another great course with Michele Quaranta Shihan in Wicklow on 23rd and 24th of March. A lot covered and repeated in this Spring training as Michele Sensei articulated.
At the course Athboy student Bert Gore graded successfully for 2nd Kyu: 二級 under the examination of the Technical Committee. Not easy considering Bert was the only candidate. Well done Bert.
Also at the course Michele Quaranta presented Thomas Waldron (Sligo Aikido Dojo) with his Nidan certificate and Lizzy McHugh (Ikeda Dojo Wicklow) with her Shodan certificate, well done to both on your achievements.
Thanks to all that attended the course, and a special thanks to our international friends for travelling to train with us Valarie McGettigan (Vermont, USA) and Britta, Adriana and Francis (Cambridge, UK) a pleasure to have you with us.
A great class yesterday in Sligo Aikido Dojo courtesy of Trevor Pigott Sensei 5th Dan of Athboy Aikido Dojo. Trevor shared some really nice techniques and variations for the Sligo crew to drill. Thanks for a great class Trevor.
Straight after we had the Kyu Gradings, whereby the following Sligo Aikido Dojo students successfully passed their examinations.
1st Kyu: 一級
Dermot Gilmartin
David Kerins
Jim Mitchell
2nd Kyu: 二級
Niall Colleary
Congratulations to all, you done yourselves proud. Keep up the great work.
Thanks to the Ukes for their great help on the day.
A massive congratulations on 7th Dan promotion to Aikikai Ireland Technical Adviser Michele Quaranta Shihan so thoroughly well deserved.
All at Aikikai Ireland our proud of your achievement Sensei.
Congrats to all our Aikido friends in Ireland and around the globe on promotions too.
The full list of Kagamibiraki Grading in 2019 list is available on Aikido Hombu Dojo website here
We are delighted to announce that an Aikido Friendship Exchange seminar between Shobu Aikido Vermont, USA and Sligo Aikido Dojo, Ireland will take place on the 29th and 30th of June 2019.
Todd Trzaskos Sensei 5th Dan and head instructor at the Shobu Aikido Dojo (https://shobuaikidovermont.com) and Eamon Coyne Sensei 5th Dan , Sligo Aikido Dojo will be the instructors at this seminar.
Todd Sensei began his Aikido training in 1992 and has over 40 years of martial training experience. A huge thanks to our friend Valarie McGettigan for making the connection to allow the colloboration to happen. Exciting times ahead.
Class day and times:
Saturday 9am to 12pm and 2pm to 5pm
Sunday 10am to 1pm
Woodstock Recreation Centre, 54 River St, Woodstock, VT, 05091
[Click here for course poster etc...]
Thanks to Jean Pasley Sensei and all the aikidokas from the Rathmines Dojo that made the trip on the evening of Thursday 8th of November 2018 to Ikeda Dojo Wicklow for an excellent exchange and training. A great eveninggs training had by all. Until next time :-)
The dates have been set for the seminars with Aikikai ireland Technical Adviser Michele Quaranta Shihan
Saturday 23rd and Sunday 24th of March hosted in Wicklow
Friday 31st of May through to Monday 3rd of June hosted in Athboy
Saturday 12th and Sunday 13th of October hosted in Sligo
We look forward as always to these seminars with Michele Sensei and hosting our Aikido friends from near and far.
The summer camp will also be a celebratory course in that it will be the 10th anniversary of Aikikai Ireland. We look forward to seeing you on the mats.
More details to follow in the coming weeks.
Wishing everyone in Aikikai Ireland, all our Aikido friends and all of the Aikikai Ireland website visitors a Happy Christmas and Peaceful and Prosperous New Year.
The Aikikai Ireland calendar for 2019 is looking good with plenty of Aikido action.
Look foward to seeing you all in the New Year folks and thanks to all involved who made 2018 such a memorable one for all at Aikikai Ireland!!!
A great days training and nights celebrations at the Aikikai Ireland Technical Committee seminar hosted by Sligo Aikido Dojo.
A sincere thanks to Eamon Coyne Sensei, Joe Mchugh Sensei and Trevor Pigott Sensei for the classes.
Thanks to all of the people from the dojos around the country that came to train with us and all of the Sligo students too.
A huge well done to the following successful grading candidates...
6th Kyu: 六級
Mikolaj Konieczny (Sligo Aikido Dojo)
Declan Murray (Athboy Aikido Dojo)
5th Kyu: 五級
Ciaran Hughes (Ikeda Dojo Wicklow)
Tony Dunphy (Ikeda Dojo Wicklow)
3rd Kyu: 三級
Cat Dobson(Sligo Aikido Dojo)
Thanks to Anthony Brennan for the pics.
Thanks one and all...till next time ;-)
A trip was made by anAikikai Ireland group consisting of Trevor Pigott, Tony McHugh, Barry Tully and Will Baker to the 10 Year Anniversary seminar of Sanshinkai Aikido Utrecht which was given by Michele Quaranta 6th Dan Shihan and host Sander van Geloven 4th Dan held on 26th to 28th of October. The lads enjoyed their time both on and off the mats, being well looked after by host Sander, having nice tranining, food, and a trip around Utrecht on a boat. Thanks from the lads Sander and your group in Utrecht for a great weekend. Also at the course was our Swiss friend Andreas (Andy) Hänggi also in pic.
Click here-> Sanshinkai Utrecht Aikido Site
A brilliant time had by all at the recent course with Michele Quaranta Shihan in Sligo Aikido Dojo on 13th and 14th of October 2018. At the course there were dan examinations conducted by the Aikikai Ireland Technical Committee, huge congratulations to
Lizzy McHugh Shodan 初段 Ikeda Dojo Wicklow
Thomas Waldron Nidan 二段 Sligo Aikido Dojo
Pictured below are Adrian Shanley of Athboy Aikido Dojo after receiving 二段 Nidan diploma and Nobert Toth of Aikido Ikeda Dojo Dublin after receiving Sandan 三段 diploma both were presented by Michele Quaranta Shihan in Sligo. Adrian and Norbert successfully passed their exams at the recent summer course in Donegal back in June. Well done again ;-)
Thanks to all that attended the course and a special mention to Valarie McGettigan travelling from Boston and Francis Rowland and Adriana González travelling from Cambridge to attend the course to train with us, great to see you.
[Click here for pics of the gradings....]
At the recent course in Sligo Aikido Dojo with Fiordineve Cozzi Sensei and Eamon Coyne Sensei back in July are now up. . At the course we had the pleasure of the lovely Rosella, Alberto Ruggiero, Moreno Bonato, his lovely wife and daughter Arianna. Many thanks for travelling to Sligo to train with us and to all that attended the course, it was a great pleasure as always. Until the next time dear friends...
A huge thank you to Moreno Bonato for the fantastic pics of both the adults and kids classes
[Click here for the adults class pics...]
[Click here for the kids class pics...]
On Saturday 3rd and Sunday 4th of November Joe McHugh Sensei will give a seminar in Cambridge Dojo. Promises to a thoroughly enjoyable course as always..
Chesterton Sports Centre,
Gilbert Rd,
Cambridge, CB4 3NY
Class Times:
14:00 - 17:15 Aikido Class 1
11:30 - 15:00 Lunch
One Day £15
Whole course £25
Mail: cambridgeaikidojo@yahoo.co.uk
Web: www.cambridgeaikidojo.co.uk
Well done to Aikikai Ireland instructors Eamon Coyne of Sligo Aikido Dojo and Joe McHugh of Ikeda Dojo Wicklow whom were both asked by Gary Quinn author of the newly published book "Martial Arts and Self-Defence for Everyone: A Complete Beginner's Guide", if they would help with the narration of the chapter on Aikido and also if images of both Sensei could be used in the book.
If you feel anyone wants to get an insight and overview of Martial Arts/Self Defence in general it's a great book to do it.
The paper back version is due for release in the coming days.
The Kindle version is available on Amazon now [Click here...]
Another year and another wonderful summer camp with Michele Quaranta Shihan in Donegal.
At the course there were also Dan examinations, a huge congratulations to the following successful candidates.
Norbert Toth Sandan 三段 Aikido Ikeda Dojo Dublin
Adrian Shanley Nidan 二段 Athboy Aikido Dojo
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A great day's training at the recent Aikikai Ireland Technical Committee course hosted by Athboy Aikido Dojo. A massive well done to the following Aikidoka who progressed to the next Kyu ranking
6th Kyu: 六級
Sharon Roberts (Ikeda Dojo Wicklow)
Ciaran Hughes (Ikeda Dojo Wicklow)
Maciej Wisniewski (Ikeda Dojo Wicklow)
3rd Kyu: 三級
Seamus Whelan(Sligo Aikido Dojo)
Bert Gore (Athboy Aikido Dojo)
2nd Kyu: 二級
Jim Mitchell (Sligo Aikido Dojo)
Paul Clarke (Ikeda Dojo Wicklow)
Gary Byrne (Athboy Aikido Dojo)
1st Kyu: 一級
Robert Timmons (Ikeda Dojo Wicklow)
You all done great and special thanks also to the Ukes that helped on the day.
A great weekends training with Michele Quaranta Sensei and Greg O'Connor Sensei in Wicklow on the 24th and 25th of March. Both instructors gave very enjoyable classes for all in attendance. Thanks to all of the people that travelled from near and far and also to the Ikeda Dojo Wicklow gang for hosting the course.
Also at the course Michele Shihan presented the 5th Dan diplomas from Hombu Dojo to Eamon Coyne and Trevor Pigott, both Eamon and Trevor were very proud and honoured to receive this award from their Sensei Michele.
Recently Sligo Aikido Dojo had an impromptu visit at class from Nathan left front row of picture. Nathan is from the Dojo Vézelois in Eastern France (http://www.aikido-tadashi-do.fr/). Nahan brought great energy to the mats and was a pleasure to have him train in Sligo Aikido Dojo, a follow up exchange could happen in the future, watch this space ;-).
Sligo Aikido Dojo will be running a beginners class program starting on Saturday 10th of February at 10.30am. Classes will be given by Eamon Coyne Sensei 5th Dan Aikikai. The cost of the classes are €5 per class.
Book early to avoid disappointment 087-6693711 or eamoncoyne@gmail.com
A massive congratulations on 5th Dan promotion to both Eamon Coyne Sensei of Sligo Aikido Dojo and Trevor Pigott Sensei of Athboy Aikido Club. Well deserved.
Congrats to all our Aikido friends around the globe on promotions too.
The full list of Kagamibiraki Grading in 2018 list is available on Aikido Hombu Dojo website here
On Saturday 1st of December 2018 Sligo Aikido Dojo will host a seminar which will be given by Aikikai Ireland Techncial Committee members Joe McHugh 5th Dan, Eamon Coyne 5th Dan and Trevor Pigott 5th Dan.
At the course eligible students will also have the oppurtunity to test for kyu grades. The course details are as follows...
Sligo Aikido Dojo, MCR Community Hall, Mail Coach Road, Sligo.
Class Times:
12:00 - 13:00 Aikido Class 1
13:05 - 14:00 Aikido Class 2
14:00 - 15:00 Lunch
15:00 - 16:00 Exams Kyu
16:05 - 17:00 Aikido Class 3
[Course details poster etc...]
The latest 1st to 4th Dan Aikido examination notes of the Masatomi Ikeda systematic are now available for download courtesy of our Swiss Aikido friend Eric Graf Sensei from Aikidoi Dojo de Neuchâtel
The exam programs contain what will be asked of students at each of the different levels. The Ikeda syllabus content is that which is being taught by Aikikai Ireland Technical Adviser Michele Quaranta Sensei 6th Dan, who inherited the methodology as student and Uke to Ikeda Shihan for over 20 years.
Quaranta Sensei continues to teach and spread this Aikido with great passion and commitment, the proof of which is in the number of international seminars he gives throughout the calendar year in addition to teaching dojo classes in Basel and Prague.
[Click here for downloads section...]
On Saturday 9th of December Sligo Aikido Dojo hosted a one day Aikikai Ireland Technical Committee Course given by Joe McHugh, Trevor Pigott and Eamon Coyne. Kyu grades were also conducted, a massive well done to the the following students successfully passed their exams......
5th Kyu: 五級
Aaron Gallagher (Sligo Aikido Dojo)
Ronan Haughey (Sligo Aikido Dojo)
Fergus McVeigh (Sligo Aikido Dojo)
4th Kyu: 四級
Shane McHugh (Athboy Aikido Dojo)
You all done a great job, keep up the great work.
On Saturday 14th and Sunday 15th of October Athboy Aikido Club played host to a seminar with Michele Quaranta 6th Dan Shihan.
The course was attended from Aikidoka from around the country and abroad and was a great success.
Thanks firstly to Michele for great teaching and company, thanks to all of the Athboy crew for the hosting another well ogranised and enjoyable course.
Thanks also to Mark in Saddlers well for putting out a nice spread for the crew after hard training.
Until the next time, thanks.
On Wednesday 15th of November Aikido classes were given by Jean Pasley Sensei and host Joe McHugh Sensei in the Bray Dojo, the classes were thoroughly enjoyed by all in attendance.
During a work trip to Prague, Sligo Aikido Dojo head instructor Eamon Coyne Sensei managed to squeeze some time to attend the evening class on Thursday 5th of October. Eamon was warmly welcomed by Miroslav Šmíd Sensei who was teaching class that evening and the students in attendance.
Eamon also noticed whilst on the mats a stained glass Aikido kanji hanging in the dojo which was made specially by a friend of his wife.
The stained glass mirror was given to Michele Quaranta as a gift at a course back home in Sligo over 12 years ago.
Thanks to Miroslav and all the gang at he Aikido Ikeda Dojo Prague students for a thoroughly enjoyable class in Prague.
Until the next time ;-)
On 8th, 9th and 10th September 2017 Joe McHugh Sensei of Ikeda Dojo Wicklow taught a seminar in Cambridge Aiki Dojo hosted by local instructor Britta and Francis. Ikeda Dojo Wicklow students Paul Clarke, Liam Murphy and Robert Timmons accompanied Joe and trained with the Cambridge Aiki Dojo students. A great time was had by all at the seminar well done Joe, Britta and all the gang ;-)
On the 17th, 18th and 19th of August Aikikai Ireland group consisting of Trevor Pigott, Declan Bray, Tony McHugh and Pj Kirke made the trip back to Lauria for an Aikido course titled Aikido e Mare (Aikido and the Sea) hosted by Fiordineve Cozzi 6th Dan Aikikai D;Italia, whereby the gang got the chance to practice Aikido and also Misogi. The Aikido class consisted of Aikijo, Aikiken and Tanto-dori. A day was dedicated to the expereince of Misogi in an extraordinary natural scenery of Orsomarso, and the rest of the spare time in the beautiful beaches Calabre and Lucane. A great time was had by all of the gang and friendships deepened even further. Till the next time, ciao ;-)
More pics can be found by visiting Fiordineve's website here www.AikidoWeb.it
Sligo Aikido Dojo is on a couple of week summer break but on Saturday 12th August 2017 we were delighted to organise a small private class for visitor Neal Dunnigan Sensei, Head Instructor at Wheatbelt Aikido, Oklahoma (http://www.wheatbeltaikido.com/). Thanks to Declan Bray IT Sligo Aikido Club for giving us the space to train. Thanks to David Kerins, Cat Dobson and Dermot Gilmartin for the great help on the day.
We presented Neal with a new number plate for the car back home and Neal presented myself with one of the Martial Arts books he authored and some jewellery his son had made for the class participants.
Neal. enjoy the rest of your trip in Ireland, see you next time ;-)
In early July Ikeda Dojo Dublin and it's instructors Norbert Toth and Anthony Brennan hosted visiting Aikidoka from the Swiss Aikido Group Aikido Sursee (www.aikido-sursee.ch) namely Markus Steinmann, Manuela Steinmann, Robin Gubler and Rebecca Marbach. Class was directed by Norbert Toth Sensei and was thoroughly enjoyed by the group. Well done to all and see you guys on the tatami in the future.
On a recent trip to the United States Sligo Aikido Dojo instructor Eamon Coyne Sensei had the good fortune to visit Greg O'Connor Sensei founder and Chief Instructor of the Aikido Centers dojos (www.aikidocenters.com)at the HQ dojo in East Hanover. Eamon was met by Ed O'Connor (staff instructor at Aikido Centers) and brought to the beautiful dojo in East Hanover.
It was great to train with Greg in his dojo and strengthen the friendship even further having met Greg in Japan at the IAF congress last September and having Greg come and teach at the Aikikai Ireland summer camp accompanied by Ed, Ed was also at the previous summer camp in 2016. In the past Michele Sensei and Joe Sensei have taught at the East Hanover Dojo at the International Friendship seminar in 2015. Sincere thanks for the warm welcome and here's to more good times in the future ;-)
Well done to the kids from both the juniors and teen classes below that passed their tests and progressed to the next stage in their Aikido practice. You done yourselves and dojo proud. Keep up the great work.
Well done to the kids at Ikeda Dojo Wicklow on the recent promotions, you all done fantasic. Pictured are the children with their teachers Joe McHugh and Lizzy McHugh ;-).
At the recent one day course and kyu exams given by Joe McHugh Sensei and Trevor Pigott Sensei in Ikeda Dojo Wicklow on Saturday 24th of June the following students were successful in testing
6th Kyu: 六級
Tony Dunphy (Ikeda Dojo Wicklow)
Gavin Earls (Ikeda Dojo Wicklow)
Sergy Baranov (Ikeda Dojo Wicklow)
5th Kyu: 五級
Ryszard Matwiejczuk (Ikeda Dojo Wicklow)
Shane McHugh (Athboy Aikido Dojo)
4th Kyu: 四級
Albert Gore (Athboy Aikido Dojo)
Well done to all on the day, you done yourselves and dojos and Aikikai Ireland proud. Click the link below for course pics.
What a fantastic summer camp with Michele Quaranta Shihan in the Bluestack Centre. We had also the privilege of a class with Greg O'Connor Sensei 6th Dan at thc course. We also had Greg's student Ed O'Connor visit us from New Jersey, we had Christophe Flocke Sensei 6th Dan in attendance and his lovely wife Francois from Switzerland. We again had the pleasure of having Valarie McGettigan and Brian Keaney from Boston. Last but by no means least we had George Hemmings Sensei 5th Dan from Cambridge. It had a truly international flavour to it in addition to all of the students from Aikikai Ireland.
Thanks again for a truly memorable summer camp. Thanks to Carlene Gildea for capturing the moments so well as always in the snaps, follow the link below to see them.
On Thursday 15th of June 2017 Joe McHugh Sensei 5th Dan of Ikeda Dojo Wicklow and Jean Pasley Sensei 5th Dan of Rathmines Aikikai gave a class in Jean's dojo in Rathmines.
The colloboration between these two Sensei gives the students a chance to see techniques and approach from different angles and deepen their understanding of their practice.
A great time was had by all in attendance.
Until the next time Kanpai ;-)
[Click here for some more pics from the course...]
6th Kyu: 六級
Alicja Bilinska (Aikido Ikeda Dojo Dublin)
Ronan Haughey (Sligo Aikido Dojo)
Angelika Eiduliene (Sligo Aikido Dojo)
Fergus McVeigh (Sligo Aikido Dojo)
Adam Zaton (Sligo Aikido Dojo)
Annmarie O'Connor (IT Sligo Aikido Dojo)
Morgane Debout (IT Sligo Aikido Dojo)
Chris Slattery (IT Sligo Aikido Dojo)
Goa Ting (IT Sligo Aikido Dojo)
Rebecca Ting (IT Sligo Aikido Dojo)
5th Kyu: 五級
Ciaran Magee (Aikido Ikeda Dojo Dublin)
Billy Brophy (Aikido Ikeda Dojo Dublin)
Eoin Brady (Aikido Ikeda Dojo Dublin)
4th Kyu: 四級
Cat Dobson (Sligo Aikido Dojo)
2nd Kyu: 二級
David Kerins (Sligo Aikido Dojo)
Niall Kelly (Sligo Aikido Dojo)
Carlene Gildea (Sligo Aikido Dojo)
You done yourselves, intructors and dojo's proud.;-)
Pictures from the Aikikai Ireland Technical Committee and Kyu exams course held in Athboy on Saturday 22nd of April now uploaded. Click link below for the pics, taken by Pj Kirke on Carlene Gildea's camera. Well done to all.
Joe McHugh Sensei of Ikeda Dojo Wicklow has been asked to go and teach a seminar in Cambridge Aiki Dojo by local instructor Britta and Francis (whom recently travelled to Sligo for a course with Michele).
The course will run on the 8th, 9th and 10th of September and the details are as follows.
Friday: 19:30 to 21:30
Saturday: 10:30 to 15:30
Sunday: 10:00 to 11:00
Cost: Fri=£10 Sat=£20 Sun=£10. Entire Course = £30
Location:Location: Cambridge University Sports Centre,
Phillipa Fawcett Drive (off Charles Babbage Rd)
Cambridge CB3 0AS
Contact: +44-7800 784 777
+44-1223-315109 (Britta)
[Course Poster etc click here....]
Aikikai Ireland had a contingent in attendance at the Michele Quaranta Shihan course in Cambride, England Trevor Pigott, Tony McHugh and Will Baker crossed the water to train with Michele and the English group.. The course was hosted by Cambridge and St.Ives Aikido Dojos. Francis Rowland who was in attendance at the course in Sligo with Michele looked after the lads well. A great time was had by all. Well done all ;-)
Well done to all of the successful IT Sligo Dojo students that passed their 6th Kyu exams recently in Sligo Aikido Dojo. Pictured are the students with their Sensei Declan Bray. Keep up the great work folks.
Thanks to Carlene Gildea for the pictures taken at the Michele Quaranta Sensei course in Sligo. Carlene has a great eye for the camera.
[Michele Course Sligo March 2017 pictures...]
Aikido Ikeda Dojo Dublin has changed it's name to Aikido Ikeda Dojo Dublin. Classes will be given by Norbert Toth Sensei 2nd Dan Aikikai and Anthony Brennan Sensei 1st Dan Aikikai. Classes are as follows...
Saturday 10am to 12pm Adults (Anthony Brennan Sensei)
Sunday 10am to 11.30am Kids (Nobert Toth Sensei)
Sunday 11.30am to 1.00pm Adults (Nobert Toth Sensei)
Location is 111 Scout Den Hall, Springfield, Tallaght, Dublin 24.
The very best of luck to Norbert and Anthony ;-)
[Click here for Aikido Ikeda Dojo Dublin page...]
A great days training was enjoyed by all in attendance at the recent course between Joe McHugh Sensei and Ray Burcher Sensei in Henshin Aikido Dojo.
Many thanks to Ray, Maeve and Henshin Dojo for hosting the course
Course registration for the Residential summer camp with Michele Quaranta Shihan 6th Dan running from 2nd through to 5th of June 2017 is now open. The course details and the registration online form link are all on the poster, which you can download by clinking the link below. Once you fill in the form give the course fee to your dojo instructor in advance of the course which will help save time on the morning of the course at resgitration.The course promises to be a great one as was the case in previous years, great training, great craíc, great food and great music. What more could you ask for Please book early to avoid dissapointment. Beds are given on a first come first served basis...See you there folks ;-} ......
11.00 - 12.00: Registration and room/bed allocation
12.30 - 14.00 Aikido
17.30 - 19.00: Aikido
Saturday and Sunday:
08.00 - 09.00: Aikiken/Aikijo
10.30 - 12.30 Aikido
16.30 - 18.30 Aikido
08.00 - 9.00 Aikiken/Aikijo
10.30 - 12.30 Aikido
Course Fee:
Aikido Training and Accomodation only
€80 normal or €70 student/unwaged.
Please Note: Full attendance only, Please rcomplete online booking form here https://goo.gl/forms/UTbSQ4EsurmleQVD2 filling form is binding. After completing form return course fee to your dojo instructor in advance of the course
Book early to avoid disappointment course Only 28 Beds available. Beds will be allocated on a first
come first served basis. After 29th place people can sleep on tatami with sleeping bag.
[Course details, poster etc...]
The Kagamibiraki ceremony 2017 just took place at the Aikikai Hombu Dojo, AIkido World Headquarters, Tokyo.A huge congratulations to Aikikai Ireland's Joe Mchugh Sensei who has been promoted to 5th Dan, well done from all at Aikikai Ireland Joe.
The full list of promotions are available here: http://www.aikikai.or.jp/pdf/suisen/h29-0.pdf
Congratulations to all of the other people around the world who were promoted!!!
A mention also to our aikido frend in Switzerland Erif Graf whom has also been promoted to 5th Dan.
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Great footage of Masatomi Ikeda Sensei teaching at a seminar in Prague in November 1998.
Please enjoy...
Pictured is Francis Rowland receiving his Nidan certificate from Michele Quaranta Shihan.
Well done Francis!!!
Written by Guillaume Erard this article discusses some fine points about "The origin and purpose of solo practice in Aikido"....
"Your spirit is the true shield."
Morihei Ueshiba